Tips That Will Save You From Pinches On St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is upon us, and if you have anyone in your life who takes it seriously, you know it’s also the day of the pinches.

Here are some tips that may just end up helping you save your skin from those pesky pinches:

1. Wear green ALWAYS: Even if you have to paint some skin-safe paint on, always have green on your body somewhere. Some options include:
* Green skin-safe paint (as said above) that you can paint anywhere that people will see such as your face, arms (if you’re wearing short sleeves), legs (if you’re wearing shorts), or neck.
* A green hat
* Green jewelry
* Green socks
* A green shirt – preferably a shirt that is all green so that no one can miss the green.
* Green pants
* Dye your hair green with temporary dye – that’ll be hard to miss as long as you have lighter hair.
* Ultimate option: All the above! Or mix and match.

2. Dress up in a themed costume that is green: This one is more of a fun option. Some options include:
* Shrek – this will include face paint, Shrek ears, and a Shrek costume.
* An alien – this one will include a metallic outfit (could be green as a plus), face paint, and maybe some pure black costume contacts for alien emphasis.
* Any other character you can think of that is green or wears prominent green.

3. Eat a green popsicle – This is more if you need some quick green since it’ll dye your tongue and lips.

4. Get really good at dodging & always stay alert – this tip is in case of pinch emergencies and/or you for some reason refuse to wear green.

Hopefully, these tips help you, or at least give you some inspiration for another idea.

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Thanks for reading!

Wishing you all a green and pinchless day!



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