Spooky, Silly, or Stunning: Costume Ideas for All the Halloween Vibes!

What do you think of when someone says the word “Halloween”? Decorations, pumpkins, and…COSTUMES!

Costumes are a very important part of Halloween, and they’re so fun because you get to dress up in something as crazy as a piece of chicken without getting any weird looks in your direction!

Need some costume ideas? Well, here you go!

Group Costumes

These costumes are for groups of friends/family, and they should bring some fun times! You can also use these ideas for a solo costume if you want.

= Sauces/Dressings/Food/Drink =
– Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Etc.
– Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Etc. (shaker or packets)
– A meal where everyone is a piece of that meal such as a burger, fries, drink, etc.

= Creatures =
– A group of zombies and survivors (can walk like a zombie, and go after the survivors in your group acting like real zombies)

= Movies =
– Minions, Gru, Banana (the minions can run after the banana and keep saying “Banana!”, and Gru can try to keep them in line)

= TV Shows =
– The Shadowhunters characters, each person being a different character from the show (can also be characters from the books or movie if a character they favorite isn’t in the show).

Solo Costumes

These are ideas for costumes for one person, but they can also work for multiple people if you all dress up as different characters from the specific media.

= Video Games =
– NPC – Non-Playable Character from a video game where you pretty much do NPC things like dress casual (like jeans and a graphic t-shirt) or super weird (like a cowboy outfit at a Christmas party) depending on which kind of NPC you choose. And have huge pockets so that you can stuff things like apples in them and make it look like you’re taking things out of your “inventory” like a video game character has. And NPCs usually do basic things like walk around super stiff and say random things like “I’m walking here” or “I have a mission for you”. Maybe choose a specific NPC from one of your favorite video games to base the costume off of.

= Movies =

= Creatures =
– Zombie with a twist (zombie minion, zombie strawberry, bitten survivor, etc.)

= TV Shows =

= Books =

Couples Costumes

These ideas are for couples, but if you want to use these ideas for group or solo costumes, you would either have to add more characters from the same media or remove characters and choose which one you would want to be.

= Movies =

= TV Shows =
– A couple from The Shadowhunters show (could even be a group costume with one of the love triangles in the show, book, or movie)

= Books =

These are just some ideas, and if I have any more ideas, I will update this list!

Hope you all have a positively spooky day today!



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